The Devil’s Den gets it’s name from early Florida settlers, who witnessed on cold mornings, steam like smoke, rising skyward from the chimney opening of this large spring fed cave. The water is crystal clear and 72F year round. The Devil’s Den could be the next movie set for the Pirates of the Caribbean film franchise. I’m hoping we will find undiscovered Spanish doubloons!
Trip Details:
Country: USA
City: Williston, Florida
Mode of Transport: Personal Vehicle
Trip Organizer: Self Planned
Trip Organizer Website: N/A
Resort/Hotel Name: N/A
Resort/Hotel Type: N/A
Resort/Hotel Website: N/A
Dive Operator: Devil’s Den
Dive Operator Website:
Cost: $38 per person
Included in Trip Package: N/A
Not Included in Trip Package: Tank Rental ($12), Nitrox not available