Regulator System

Model: LEG3ND Regulator System

Manufacture: Aqualung


Cost: $584

Purchase Advice: When buying a regulator 1st and 2nd stage you need to understand whether you will be diving in cold waters. Regulators have an operating temperature rating. Because I live in Ohio and locally dive with a drysuit throughout the year in cold quarry waters, I want a regulator first stage that is designed to meet those environmental conditions. A first stage freeze up at depth is an unexpected “ Out of Air” situation I never want to experience. Unfortunately, I fell victim to the dreaded “Double Buy”, and bought a Scubapro MK11 and S560 system ($540), without knowing that it would not meet year round diving condition in Ohio. If you plan to dive solely in warm tropical waters, I advise you to purchase a mid-price rage system. It will breath noticeably better at depth than an entry level regulatory, so the additional cost is justified. I would be careful not to purchase at the higher price mark, for example a titanium/ carbon fiber system with a fancy 1st stage swivel, because these upgrades may slightly increase the quality of the diving experience but do not offset the significant increased cost.


BCD (Buoyancy Control Device)


Dive Computers